Bollywood actress Nargis Fakhri, who will be seen playing the role of a journalist in Shoojit Sircar's upcoming film 'Madras Cafe', says she had a tough time essaying the character on screen. Fakhri will be seen opposite John Abraham in the Sircar-directed political thriller.
"I am playing an international journalist. My role in this film is stronger. It is quite tough and intense to play a journalist on screen. There is lot of hard work that journalists do. People will get to see me doing something different this time," Nargis told PTI. 'Madras Cafe' is the 'Rockstar' actress' second
Bollywood film and the 33-year-old says she is working hard to establish herself in the industry.
"I am really trying to give my best shot for the role and the film," said the model-actress who made her film debut in 2011 opposite Ranbir Kapoor.
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