The two have teamed up for 2 States, which is an adaptation of Chetan Bhagat's novel by the same name. While Arjun will be seen playing the role of North Indian Krish, Alia will be getting into the garb of the spicy and intelligent Southie Ananya Swaminathan. The shooting of the film has already begun and the film is being directed by debutant filmmaker Abhishek Verman and co-produced by Karan Johar and Sajid Nadiawala.
A screen adaptation of Chetan Bhagat's bestseller 2 States, the story is about a Punjabi boy who falls in love with a Tamil girl, and the ensuing cultural clashes between them and their families.
The recent buzz about the film is Arjun and Alia's look from the much-awaited flick. Well, needless to say, Arjun looks a handsome lad and Alia sports a cute face. Here is the look
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