After the buzz-word 100 crore, the new strategy that has taken Bollywood by storm is online chat show before the release of a film. Yes, you heard it right! It's a new trend that is for the first time adopted by filmmaker Rohan Sippy to promote his next, Nautanki Saala.
The filmmaker has started an online show titled Kutting with Kunaal, that is hosted by actor Kunaal Roy Kapur. The show is reportedly a take off on many chat shows and primarily the inspiration of the show is drawn from actor-filmmaker Karan Johar's famous chat show Koffee With Karan.
Rohan Sippy, however, said that Kutting With Kunaal is not specifically a take off on KJo's show but a strong reference point. Also, the filmmaker added that K of Kutting came from Kunaal and Khurrana. Kunaal's first interview with Ayushmann is already online. Here's a sneak peek:
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